Groove Pizza

As one of the summer learning tasks I created a song using Groove Pizza. I watched the tutorial and read the instructions then I got started creating my own. This was a very fun task to do for our final lesson. I had a great time this year.

This is my audio

Collaborative Patterns

This week we created collaborative patterns. Our teacher chose if we would do a group or a class template she ended up choosing a class one. Then we picked which example one you would use after that you use the poly line tool to create shapes of your choice. When you finish you paste it onto the class slide.


Positive information

Kira ora, I’m Brookyn a Year Seven at Koputaroa School. In Cybersmart we got a choice we could either do a pick a path about sharing information on google slides or play mindful mountain and take screenshots of postive information and paste them into this slide. The thing that was hard was taking the screenshots lots of people (including me) were struggeing to take a screenshot fast enough to capture the information then we realised we were pressing the wrong keys. Do you injoy playing mindful mountain? If so what’s your favourite island?


My Marvelous Maths

In my maths I have been learning about decimals.

At the start I started to learn what Tenths was.

In 14.3 the 3 is in the tenths even if you added a zero it would still be the same. Then I started learning what hundredths are.

In 14.32 the 2 is in the hundredths.

Soon I will also be learning what thousandths are 

And I already know a bit about it so I hope I will learn more.


Do you do Pr1me? If so what Pr1me group are you in?

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